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From 26 October until 25 November 2023

The exhibition will open 26 October from 17:00 - 20:00.

The exhibition ‘Pink Chair’ presents a new powerful series of works by Luxembourgish artist Monique Becker (*1958). While moving into a bigger studio for 1.5 years in preparation for a big museum show in Argentina, the new series ‘Pink chair’ came together. The series features Monique’s signature color black, in expressive dialogue with the color pink. Pink is a reference to her studio chair, which is always at her side and a great source of inspiration. Dynamic brushstrokes, utter physical commitment and a close engagement with the canvas define the artist’s practice.

We are especially proud to announce that two large-scale paintings by Monique Becker have recently entered the Collection of MUDAM — Musée d’Art Contemporain du Luxembourg.


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