Torn Up World
From 16th January until 13th February 2021
We're excited to announce Philippe Lamesch's first solo show at Valerius Gallery:
"Bringing a creative global community together in times of a pandemic"
In 2019, at the end of a successful exhibition in New York, Philippe Lamesch decided to make 2020 a year of travelling, to visit a multitude of cities and collect torn posters for his collages all over the world. Unfortunately the pandemic put a stop to the artist’s original plans.
However he decided not to let the crisis stop his project, but rather to use these new circumstances to create something even more exciting. “I decided that, if I couldn’t travel to all these cities, why not ask for help from my artist friends all over the world”. The project ‘Torn Up World’ was born, the title being inspired by the 1961 exhibition in Paris “La France déchirée” by the well-renowend ‘affichiste’ Raymond Hains. An important concern for Philippe was to support artists in the difficult times of the pandemic. Thus, he paid the artists for their efforts of sending him torn posters that they’ve collected from the walls of their city. In the end, packages from all over the world have reached the artist in Luxembourg.
The resulting artworks are exhibited at Valerius Gallery for the first time. The exhibition shows a series of 20 colorful mixed-media collages that emerged from this international collaboration, with works from: San Francisco, Hollywood, New York, Miami, Praia, Sao Paolo, Bristol, Brussels, Luxembourg, Berlin, Warsaw, Istanbul, Paris, Arles, Dijon, Barcelona, Lomé, Ouagadougou, Burgas, Sofia, Hongkong and Shanghai.
Contact us via mail if you'd like us to send you the PDF of works.
Press reviews:
Télécran Nr.3 /2021 - Cover Story, 8 pages (in German): Download here.
Woxx 21.01.2021 - Interview with the artist (in German): Download here.