Marc Pierrard.Propaganda. & Gilles Murell. Potpourri.
11.01.2018 - 24.02.2018
Valerius art gallery presents a new exhibition by two different luxembourgish artists.
Marc Pierrard explores the topic propaganda, its various fields of use and the techniques or methods that compose its efficiency. While browsing through some of the mediums that can be used to „bring“ the message to the audience(s), he has tried to identify different groups or associations that make use of that tool.
Gilles Murell, a young architecture student, shows a „potpourri“ of his paintings, drawings and sketches. He’s inspired by his everyday life and daily dilemmas which he combines with architecture tools and materials. He uses rather unusual surfaces to paint on like foamboards, Pizza Boxes, and chipboards.
Marc Pierrard. Propaganda.
Protest 2015-2016, Huile sur papier, 150 x 315 cm
Multimedia installation
Protest 2015-2016, Huile sur papier, 150 x 315 cm
This is the 2nd exhibition in which Marc Pierrard explores the topic "Propaganda", its various fields of use and the techniques or methods that compose its efficiency. While browsing through some of the mediums that can be used to bring the message to our beloved audience(s), he has tried to identify different groups or associations that make use of our favourite tool.
Propagandistic elements are often carefully hidden and not detectable on first sight. A lot of effort and money is usually put into hiding or disguising of aesthetic adjustments and/or background-manipulations which have to be made to hide the (sometimes) ugly truth.
The works in this exhibition are, in that context, anti-propagandistic, as they tend to show a less polished side of the presented subjetcs (politicians, CEO's of influential firms, brands or trends).
Most of the chosen motifs are or were used and propagated in real life. For the exhibition they were "updated", changed and/or placed in order to reshape their meaning or create new options in their possible interpretation. In some ases the original piece was "enough".